Making a Motor work!

This week we have been investigating how to make a motor work.

We decided we wanted to use the motor to make something we have designed move!

We chose to make animals!

We had a good think about which animal we wanted to design.

We used felt tips, tissue paper, felt, card and googly eyes to make our animal designs.

Oh, and not forgetting lots and lots of glue!

We made pigs, cows, dogs, rabbits and elephants.

Scarlett S even made a unicorn!

Our older friends helped us to attach the motor to our animal once we had made sure it worked!

It was tricky!

We needed to make sure the crocodile clips were attached to the battery pack wires securely, we didn't want them to fall off once our animals started to move. 


It was amazing to see the marks our animals made on paper!