A broad and balanced curriculum



The vision

At Greenfield Primary School, we are committed to providing an inspiring, broad, balanced and inclusive curriculum.  Our purpose is to develop resilient, compassionate, aspirational learners who have excellent communication and mathematical skills.  Greenfield pupils will embody British values, and be ready to engage positively with the wider world and see it as a place of endless possibilities. 




We recognise the huge importance of providing the highest standards of teaching and learning across all areas of the curriculum. Our children is designed to be sequenced so that children deepen and build upon knowledge learnt in previous years.

We place great emphasis on the importance of offering a broad, balanced and far-reaching curriculum to develop the whole child academically, socially and emotionally to ensure they have the cultural capital for the next stages of their learning journey. Our curriculum drivers drive the design and delivery of our curriculum that has been developed with all staff in school.



At greenfield primary School we:

  • Provide complete National Curriculum coverage.
  • Embed a consistent approach to teaching and learning. 
  • Creating lessons that are engaging, informative and challenging


By using

Subject area

Teaching resource


Hamilton trust

Art and Design

Design and Technology






Purple Mash


Rachel Hawkes


Real PE




Key information

KS1, LKS2 and UKS2 have created an overview sheet of schemes of work using a two-year rolling cycle across all none core subject areas. Each scheme of work comprising of 5 to 7 series of lessons.

In doing this we:

  • Ensure age-related expectations combine the acquisition of knowledge and development of skills to create a purposeful and exciting learning journey for every child.
  • Use resources create by experts.
  • Enable children to revisit and build on prior learning.
  • Ask and answer questions to make links between areas of learning and explore the world in which we live.



Pupils leave Greenfield Primary School with a secure understanding of the academic content; with the understanding of how to be socially, morally, spiritually and culturally responsible and aware; how to make positive contributions to the local community and how to endeavour to be the best that they can be. We aim for all of our children to be respectful, skillful, ambitious and with a thirst for life and all it has to offer.



We aim to provide a broad and balanced curriculum for all our pupils, enriching this in a number of ways including:

A range of visits locally and in the wider community

Residentials for pupils in KS2.


Cultural Events 

Theatre trips are a highlight for our children.  In October 2023 we took all of our KS2 children to see Shrek The Musical at the Bradford Alhambra theatre. It was fabulous! In January 2023 we took KS2 to see KS2 visit to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory at the Leeds Grand Theatre - January 2023 and and our KS1 children visited Sheffield Lyceum to watch Disney's Winnie The Pooh in June 2023. In October 2023, our KS2 visited the Bradford Alhambra Theatre to see Shrek the Musical and in January 2025 we will visit The Leeds Playhouse to see The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. Prior to Covid, we have taken children in KS2 to see Annie, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and Gangsta Granny at the Sheffield Lyceum. In December 2019 we took the whole school to see Cinderella the pantomime also at the Sheffield Lyceum. We have also taken the whole school to the Barnsley Civic where they have watched Christmas plays in 2017 and 2018.

We really value music at Greenfield Primary and our children have the opportunity to learn to play musical instruments through Barnsley Music Service. In the autumn term 2024, 16 children are being taught a variety of instruments including tenor horn, clarinet,  drums, keyboard and guitar by teachers from Barnsley Music Services and each of our three Y3/4 classes are receiving 7 weeks of ukulele tuition. We loved the rock band performance that we had a few Christmases ago! and the Old Blowers Music Performance - January 2023.


Personal Development

Personal development is both a subject and a school ethos. Our aim is to teach children how to navigate through life safely, happily and healthily. Children are growing up in a world that is constantly changing and it is the duty of all the staff at school in partnership with the parents teach the children transferable life skills. We teach children about the world around them, relationships, emotions, reproduction and health, as well as transferable skills to help with life. We consistently promote the British values and our school values. We recently received a reply from King Charles in response to our book of condolences.  Our school council always attend the cenotaph at Hoyland for Armistice Day where they take part in the parade and take real pride selling poppies through school. Our choir take great pride in singing at a local care home and chatting with residents during their time there. Our children love their Christmas parties and we enjoy celebrating achievements together in our weekly celebration assembly. We enjoyed celebrating the King's coronation in May 2023.

Our children in KS2 take great pride in their pupil leadership roles. Through these roles, they are learning how they can support other children and they model excellent behaviour and attitudes.

We are fortunate to have such fabulous historical sites in our our local area and we visit them as part of our history and geography curriculum: Wentworth Woodhouse and Elsecar's rich coal mining heritage.  Our Y5/6 classes enjoy vising Elsecar Heritage Centre  to further develop their understanding of the local area. 

Visitors with particular expertise and interest come to school (this includes role models). Our First Aid training for the whole school was fabulous - so many life skills were learned by all and we look forward to running this training again as part of our two year cycle.

Breakfast clubs and afterschool clubs are updated half termly and we are delivered by school staff and outside groups.

We enjoy celebrating Roald Dahl Day in September and World Book Day in March to raise the profile of reading to foster a love of reading. Our Poetry Week in March 2024 was lots of fun and the children enjoyed seeing eachother perform.  Our new library, which will be officially opened by Poet Ian McMillan is loved by the children and we have invested lots of money in high quality texts (many of which were suggested by the children).

We enjoy taking part in charity events such as Wear Yellow for Mental Health, Red Nose Day, Children in Need and Christmas Jumper Day to support others and our Wellbeing Warriors help to organise such events.

Before his retirement, we had close links with Father Richard from our local church. He led assemblies in school around harvest, Christmas and Easter alongside a visit to Church at Christmas for our KS1 and KS2 children.

Pupil voice is heard through our School Councillors, Wellbeing Warriors and Pupil Librarians.








Curriculum Maps

We operate a two year cycle in our KS1, LKS2 and UKS2 classes for our afternoon lessons. 2022 - 2023 is Cycle B. (For reading, writing and maths lessons our children are taught in their year groups to ensure that the correct learning objectives are delivered at the right time).

KS1 Cycle A and Cycle B

LKS2 (Y3/4) Cycle A and LKS2 (Y3/4) Cycle B

UKS2 (Y5/6) Cycle A  and UKS2 (Y5/6) Cycle B



If you have any queries about our curriculum that are not answered here please email your child's class teacher or Mrs Karen Hill who is our curriculum lead at k.hill@greenfieldprimaryschool.co.uk.