Extra Curricular and Clubs
Breakfast Club
Every morning at 7:45am we have Breakfast club with Mrs Upperdine and Mrs Brown. Children in our nursery can also book into breakfast club which is in the nursery building and run by nursery staff who are familiar to your children.
Places need to be booked via the School Comms app at least the day before. It is £3 per session.
Music Lessons
We offer music lessons to all of our pupils in Y2 and above which are provided by specialist teachers from Barnsley Music Services. In special cases, upon arrangement with the teacher, younger children may be able to partake in lessons.
Currently we have brass, percussion, guitar, piano, flute, clarinet and violin lessons. If you are interested in your child receiving these lessons, please contact the school office for information about costs. Instrument hire is available and lessons are paid for termly.
After School Clubs
Our after-school clubs change on a half termly basis so please check back to see what is happening. We also send out this information on our weekly newsletters that are emailed. All clubs are bookable on the school app.
We are looking to start an after school club which will run daily until 6pm. Once a decision has been made on 11.12.24 we will update our website.
Autumn Term Clubs: September / October 2024