Greenfield’s School Council 2023 – 2024

Our brilliant School Council is made up of two representatives from each class from Year 2 upwards. The school councillors meet with Miss Naylor to discuss any concerns or ideas that they or children in their class may have to ensure that the wider school community has a voice. Within the school council, some children have important additional roles such as our Chairperson, Vice-chairperson and Secretary who collectively support the running of meetings through their responsibilities such as planning the agenda, leading discussions, and minute taking.


Autumn Term

Through discussions with the wider school community, our School Council identified that some children were concerned about litter in the autumn term. Consequently, together we discussed the impacts of litter and what we can implement to tackle this problem. Working together, we discussed our ideas with adults within school and an informative assembly about the dangers of littering was shared in a whole school assembly. We also established a rota for litter picking to ensure that our outdoor areas look safe and inviting even when there’s windy weather!

Spring Term

This term we are focussing on understanding the school community’s thoughts about our new whole school behaviour and reward policy. To do this, our School Council worked together to create a survey to ask each of their classes. We thought carefully about what we would like to know and created the questions together. These included:

Do you like the VIP point rewards system?

Do you like being part of a house team?

Do you think that we have good behaviour at Greenfield?

Each of our School Councillors then returned to their class and conducted the survey in their classrooms with the support of their teacher. The responses collected by our School Council were then discussed at length in the meetings that followed before being made into a presentation which our School Councillors confidently shared with Mr Ralph.



Our School Council Archive  Click the link to the left to see what our wonderful school council have done in past years.


Greenfield’s School Council 2023 – 2024

Our brilliant School Council is made up of two representatives from each class from Year 2 upwards. The school councillors meet with Miss Naylor to discuss any concerns or ideas that they or children in their class may have to ensure that the wider school community has a voice. Within the school council, some children have important additional roles such as our Chairperson, Vice-chairperson and Secretary who collectively support the running of meetings through their responsibilities such as planning the agenda, leading discussions, and minute taking.


Autumn Term

Through discussions with the wider school community, our School Council identified that some children were concerned about litter in the autumn term. Consequently, together we discussed the impacts of litter and what we can implement to tackle this problem. Working together, we discussed our ideas with adults within school and an informative assembly about the dangers of littering was shared in a whole school assembly. We also established a rota for litter picking to ensure that our outdoor areas look safe and inviting even when there’s windy weather!

Spring Term

This term we are focussing on understanding the school community’s thoughts about our new whole school behaviour and reward policy. To do this, our School Council worked together to create a survey to ask each of their classes. We thought carefully about what we would like to know and created the questions together. These included:

Do you like the VIP point rewards system?

Do you like being part of a house team?

Do you think that we have good behaviour at Greenfield?

Each of our School Councillors then returned to their class and conducted the survey in their classrooms with the support of their teacher. The responses collected by our School Council were then discussed at length in the meetings that followed before being made into a presentation which our School Councillors confidently shared with Mr Ralph.



Our School Council Archive  Click the link to the left to see what our wonderful school council have done in past years.