Drax Power Station

Once we arrived at Drax, we had our safety talk. This ensured that we were safe when we were walking around the working power station. After this we learnt lots about how the power station works and how they make electricity. We were shown lots of actions to help us remember each stage including the dab or the conveyor belt in this case! (Mr Field and Miss Greveson were very happy about this, ha!)  Our new actions helped us to work through each stage in the mini power station and send electricity to the villages, towns and cities nearby. 

Next, we were able to split into our two groups and explore Drax. We were very excited to see how the power station worked and how electricity was made. It was very interesting to see where our electricity comes from. When we were walking around, we remembered all our new actions and answered lots of questions about electricity that we have learnt in class.

We have loved our day at Drax, we learnt a lot more about how and where electricity comes from. Some children said 'it was the best trip they had been on' and 'I wish we could come back tomorrow'.

Although, it seems the day took it out of some children... can you work out if these two are?
