Generous Giraffes 2018 - 2019

Year 1/2

Miss Hill and Mrs Thawley

Our curriculum map


Welcome to the Generous Giraffes web page. Here we will post news and events


Tuesday afternoon please make sure your child brings their book to change.

Forest time

From the 3rd of October we will be going in the forest area every other week. Your child will need a change of appropriate clothing and sensible footwear.

PE days

Our PE days are Wednesday and Thursday afternoons. You can bring your child's PE kit in on Monday morning and leave it on their peg for the week. 

Reading books

Your child's reading book and reading record should be brought into school every morning. 

Snack money

Snack money is just £5 every half term. Your child will receive a snack every morning play time. 



click on the links below to see what we have been up to.


Yorkshire Wildlife Park 

Our walk to Owd Martha's Yard.

The Rainbow Factory -Pirates for the day.