Creative Cats


Click on the links below to find out what we have been learning:

Autumn 1


Imagination Gaming

Outdoor Learning

Autumn 2

 Shoebox Appeal

 Lights Camel Action

Spring 1

Tasty Food

Victorian Day

Interior Designers


Long Term Planning 

Please click on the link to read the topics we are learning this year;

Long Term Plan 2016-2017.docx

PE Days

PE Days are Thursdays and Friday this year. Please ensure that your child's PE kit is in school on these days.


We love to hear your children read in school and we hope you love to listen to your child read at home. In Year 2 we focus on developing fluency and understanding of what children read, so the more they can read the better. Please ensure you child has their book bag in school every day.


Homework is given out every Friday. We then ask for this to be completed over the weekend and returned on Monday.


Your child will bring home a spelling booklet. The booklet sent home are all spellings your child has been learning at school in their spelling lesson. Please encourage your child to learn these spellings using the Look, Cover, Write and Check strategy. We will test your child regularly on these spellings and any patterns they are finding difficult we will highlight so they can continue to practise at home. Once your child has completed the stage they will get a certificate.

Mega Math Mission

Our aim is that by the end of Year 2 your child will know their 2,5, and 10 times tables. We practise these in school regularly and encourage you to do this at home with your child.